Yancey Strickler is the Cofounder and Director of Metalabel, Cofounder and former CEO of Kickstarter, and Cofounder of the artist resource The Creative Independent.
Introducing Cozy Cozy
There’s a special feeling that comes from taking joy in doing something you’re not especially good at. It’
Data is Fire 🔥🔥🔥
If you’ve ever slept outdoors or even just watched a survival reality show, you know the importance of fire.
Rethinking self-interest
In the late 1990s, people around the world began to live in a state of rising fear of two missing
Don't be scared, you're not the only one
Sup y’all. It’s been a minute. How’s your apocalypse going? Yeah, mine too.
Sending love to everyone
Theories of time
I recently read a book I’d been curious about called The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe.
The ownership crisis
It’s getting harder to remember life before, but we’re still in the early, “in it together” phase of
The values stack IRL
Two weeks ago I shared the Values Stack as an illustration of how values operate.
Values are expressed through three
The internet
Social exchanges
Last week a group of academics in the Netherlands announced plans for a radical but pragmatic shift in the country’
The values stack
Gas is cheap but nobody’s filling up.
Houses are full but streets are empty.
Businesses are dying while others
Our new normal
Gas is cheap but nobody’s filling up.
Houses are full but streets are empty.
Businesses are dying while others
In the network we trust
When I was 10 years old growing up on a farm in rural Appalachia, I went for a walk with
The race to the top
Recently I was on the road giving talks and workshops around my book. During my travels I met with a
The weekly Bento
It all started on a Sunday morning last fall.
I’d written a book that had recently come out. On
Post-capitalism for realists
The other night I was invited to dinner with several wealthy and powerful people. This is not a normal thing
This is how long it takes to change the world
We want change to be instant. Immediate. But there is biological, historical, and sociological evidence that suggests thirty years is
How the bento box can change how we see the world
We don’t think of the bento box as an important innovation, but we should. Created sometime in 12th or
The origins of Bentoism
I’ve long held a belief that our notion of value was too narrow. I remember reading a piece in
The art of experiencing
“Arriving late at a performance, and seated in the center of the second row, I looked up and saw what