Rethinking the unbearable weight of self-promotion
In the past thirty years what it means to be an artist has dramatically changed.
Before the internet being an
Dark Forest
Responses to "The Post Individual"
Since publishing "The Post-Individual" a few weeks ago, I've received more than 1o0 responses from readers
Dark Forest
The Post-Individual
A "Director's Cut" version of this piece that includes audio, video, slides, and research notes is
How to build a newthing
How does one build a newthing?
Do you start with the parts? Do you start with the ends? Where does
Andre 3000 live at Crown Hill Theater
Last night I and a few hundred other curious souls filed into the Crown Hill Theater in Brooklyn for the
The prestige recession
My first career was as a music critic. It started with writing for Pitchfork in some of the first years
Themes from the past year
A year ago this week, my family and I moved back to NYC.
The previous five years we were on
The Parable of the Three Lakes
Before hikes, my partner encourages our family to ask nature a question.
On a recent hike in British Columbia, I
Notes on hiring
Over the past decade-plus I’ve hired many dozens of people. Many of these hires went spectacularly well, and I
The cultural Doppler effect
The Doppler effect is what makes a siren change tones as it whooshes by. Because of the physics of sound