Exploring new forms for creative people

Exploring new forms for creative people

I write, build projects, and develop frameworks that help artists and creative people. Cofounder of Metalabel, Kickstarter, and The Creative Independent. Author of This Could Be Our Future and The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.

Current projects

Building infrastructure for creative people to build and grow value together. The first release platform for creative work.

The Dark Forest Collective 
A collective of writers releasing work that explores how we live online. Includes The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet, added to MIT Library's permanent collection and covered in Hyperallergic, ArtNet, and Art in America, and another to-be-announced book.

New Creative Era podcast
Co-hosting a weekly podcast with Josh Citarella exploring how we release work and develop our creative practices.

The past and future of art and creativity
Researching the history of creativity and developing new structures to empower artists and creators.

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