No permission needed
The faster something grows, the faster it can also die.
That’s a lesson from a book I constantly return
Selling out without selling out
Growing up a disgruntled ‘90s teenager whose heroes were Kurt Cobain, Ian MacKaye of Fugazi, and recording engineer Steve Albini,
Formulary for New Media
We are bored on the internet. We’re wearied from raindancing for the algorithms that manipulate our attention. We’re
Dark Forest
Responses to "The Post Individual"
Since publishing "The Post-Individual" a few weeks ago, I've received more than 1o0 responses from readers
Dark Forest
The Post-Individual
A "Director's Cut" version of this piece that includes audio, video, slides, and research notes is
How to build a newthing
How does one build a newthing?
Do you start with the parts? Do you start with the ends? Where does
Worldbuilding is creative resilience
“Artists excel at creating worlds. They do this first for themselves and then, when they share their work, for others…
Dreams, premonitions, and the long self with author Eric Wargo
BACKGROUND: Author, Time Loops and Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self
TOPIC: Dreams, premonitions, and the long